France métropolitaine
Tle ST2S
Ces enseignants qui changent une vie (compréhension de l'écrit)
L'idée de progrès
Lieux et formes du pouvoir
.icon_annales.png Questions sur un message de Barack Obama et sur un article de CNN, à propos d'enseignants qui s'impliquent à améliorer la vie d'enfants.

Sujet 4Ces enseignants qui changent une vie1 h

France métropolitaine, juin 2016, Séries technologiques


L’idée de progrès • Lieux et formes du pouvoir

Compréhension de l’écrit

10 pts

Doc. 1 Obama’s tribute to his fifth-grade teacher


Doc. 2 A Brilliant Initiative


1 Doc. 1. Copy the following sentences and fill in the gaps with the appropriate elements.

a. The text is a/an (nature of the document) …………… .

b. (name) …………… remembers (name) ……………, who was his (job) …………… when he was in (school level) …………… .

2 Doc. 1. a. True or False? Justify your answer by quoting the text.

1) The author thought he was like the other kids.

2) The author loved being the center of attention.

3) That school year still influences him in his job today.

4) People who read the text are expected to write back.

b. Choose the appropriate element to complete the sentence and justify by quoting the text.

The author feels that what matters to him today comes

1) only from this teacher.

2) only from his family.

3) both from his family and his teacher.

c. Conclusion: what could the author say today? Choose the appropriate bubble and copy it onto your paper.


3 Doc. 1. Complete the sentence by choosing the right answer from the list below.

The purpose of the text is to celebrate

a. the education children received in the early 1970s.

b. people who decided to work harder at university.

c. educators who help children become themselves.

d. those who have decided to have a great career.

4 Doc. 2. Who is Estella? To answer the question, copy the following table onto your paper and complete it with the appropriate elements.


Place of residence

Jobs in the past



5 Doc. 2. What is Estella’s situation today? Answer by completing the following sentence with ONE element from EACH column.

Today, Estella ........................................... and ................................................

a. still works full-time in a school…             1) … learns computer skills.

b. does not have a paid job anymore…     2) … drives children to school.

c. works part-time for a company…            3) … helps out her community.

6 Doc. 2. a. True or False? Justify your answer by quoting the text.

1) Because of the crisis, some people have to focus on their basic necessities.

2) Today everyone has a computer at home.

3) Having a computer at home helps obtain a diploma.

b. Conclusion. Answer the question in your own words.

According to document 2, what is the connection between the economic situation, people’s access to a computer and education?

7 Doc. 2. Answer the following questions by quoting the text.

a. What is the name of Estella’s project?

b. How is it financed?

c. When Estella started her project, she made a detailed plan. Copy the following table onto your paper and fill it in by quoting the text.

What I need to buy

People who will use my service

People who will help me

What subjects will be taught

(2 examples)

Cost of the service

Slogans I like

8 Doc. 1 et 2. a. Choose one title that applies to BOTH documents.

1) Ordinary people making a difference.

2) Ordinary people reforming the educational system.

3) Ordinary people spending their money to improve education.

b. Match each sentence on the left with one element on the right.

1) Helping pupils triumph over their fears.

a. ONLY Estella Pyfrom.

2) Helping people acquire indispensable
technical skills of the 21st century.

b. ONLY Ms. Hefty.

3) Developing everyone’s potential.

c. NONE of them.

4) Considering some learning difficulties
impossible to resolve.

d. BOTH of them.

Voir le corrigé

Cet article est réservé aux abonnés
ou aux acheteurs de livres ABC du Bac

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