France métropolitaine
Tle L
L'art, unificateur au-delà de nos différences (compréhension de l'écrit)
Espaces et échanges
Lieux et formes du pouvoir
.icon_annales.png Questions sur « The Cat's Table » à propos de la découverte de la littérature, et sur « Honour » qui traite des relations amoureuses.

Sujet 1L’art, unificateur au-delà de nos différences1 h 30

France métropolitaine, juin 2014, Séries L, ES, S


Lieux et formes du pouvoir ● Espaces et échanges

Compréhension de l’écrit

10 pts

Doc. 1Shared interest beyond differences


Doc. 2Hidden from view


1 Doc. 1. Pick out three of Mr Fonseka’s activities during the voyage. Say what they have in common.

Justify with at least three quotations.

2 Doc. 1. Which four adjectives best correspond to Mr Fonseka’s personality? Justify each with a quotation from the text.

kind – selfish – captivating – pedantic – serene – knowledgeable – boring – self-centred

3 Doc. 1. Why does the narrator visit Mr Fonseka? Choose the two statements that are correct and justify with a quotation for each.

a. They know the same authors.

b. Mr Fonseka is teaching him to read.

c. Mr Fonseka’s stories fascinate him.

d. Mr Fonseka is interested in the narrator’s life.

4 Doc. 1. Say whether the following statement is right or wrong. Justify your answer with two quotations.

Mr Fonseka’s likely to have a prestigious career.

5 Doc. 2. What do the two characters do together? Why? Give three reasons using your own words.

6 Doc. 2. “Together they focused on the film.” (l. 1)

Explain briefly why this sentence is not equally true for both characters.

7 Doc. 2. “To his relief, she didn’t move her hand away.” (l. 16-17)

“Pembe leaped to her feet and headed towards the exit, running away from him” (l. 25-26).

Explain in a few words the change in the woman’s attitude.

8 Doc. 2. What does Elias like about Pembe? Choose the two statements that are correct and justify your choice with quotations from the text.

a. She is attractive.

b. She is assertive.

c. She is different from him.

d. She is funny.

9 Doc. 2. “… they also met at several other cinemas, all far-away from their homes, all unpopular.” (l. 33-34)

Why do you think they choose places that are distant from their homes? Answer briefly in your own words.

10 Doc. 1 et 2. What do the characters’ relationships have in common in both documents? Give three elements.

Seuls les candidats des séries S, ES et L LVO traiteront la question 11.

11 Doc. 1 et 2. Show how in both documents each of the characters has something to offer to the other(s).

Seuls les candidats de la série L LVA traiteront la question 12.

12 Doc. 1 et 2. a. In each document what differences or obstacles could keep the characters apart?

b. What do the activities they share allow them to do?

Voir le corrigé

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