Amérique du Nord
Tle L
La société indienne (compréhension de l'écrit)
Espaces et échanges
L'idée de progrès
.icon_annales.png Questions sur « Funny boy » de S. Selvadurai à propos du mariage et sur un article de R. Vaidyanathan sur le retour d'expatriés indiens dans leur pays.

Sujet 6La société indienne1 h 30

Amérique du Nord, juin 2013, Séries L, ES, S


Espaces et échanges ● L’idée de progrès

Compréhension de l’écrit

10 pts

Doc. 1An exciting wedding


Doc. 2The young entrepreneurs heading back to Indian homeland


1 Doc. 1. Complete the sentences below with the appropriate characters: Rajan, Radha Aunty, Ammachi, Old Mr Nagendra (one name for each sentence).

a. … is the narrator’s aunt.

b. … is an engineer.

c. … went to Cambridge with the narrator’s grandfather.

d. … is the narrator’s grandmother.

2 Doc. 1. Focus on Radha Aunty.

a. Which country is she in at the moment?

b. Which country is she coming back to?

3 Doc. 1. lines 22-23: “There was going to be a wedding in the family!”

a. Which two characters are getting married?

b. How did they meet?

c. How did the future husband ask for the girl’s hand? Answer in your own words.

d. How did the girl react to that proposal? Explain and justify your answer with a quote from the text.

4 Doc. 1. Does the girl’s family approve of this union? Explain why or why not. Give four reasons (30 words).

5 Doc. 1. Focus on the narrator.

a. How old is the narrator? Justify your answer with a quote from the text.

b. How does the narrator feel about the wedding? Explain why.

c. What elements show that the narrator’s vision of the future wedding is idealized (40 words)?

6 Doc. 2. Which segment of the Indian people is this article about?

7 Doc. 2. Explain what the “reverse brain drain” is (l. 3). Use your own words (30 words).

8 Doc. 2. List the reasons that explain this phenomenon. Give five different reasons (50 words).

9 Doc. 1 et 2. What reasons do the characters in doc. 1 and doc. 2 have for going back home (50 words)?

Voir le corrigé

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