France métropolitaine
Tle ST2S
Les nouvelles technologies au service de la communication (compréhension de l'écrit)
Espaces et échanges
L'idée de progrès
.icon_annales.png Questions sur un article paru sur « yearoutgoup » et sur « The Sense of an Ending » de J. Barnes à propos des moyens de communication.

Sujet 18Les nouvelles technologies au service de la communication1 h

France métropolitaine, juin 2014, Séries technologiques


L’idée de progrès ● Espaces et échanges

Compréhension de l’écrit

10 pts

Doc. 1Blogs are a great way to keep in touch on a gap year1


Doc. 2My experience abroad as a young man


1 Doc. 1 et 2. Choose the two most important themes that are found in both texts.

teaching – computers – communication – music – photography – travelling – jobs

2 Doc. 1. Choose the right definition of a gapper.

a. A person who works for a travel agency.

b. Someone who helps people plan their gap year.

c. A person who takes a break from his/her studies.

d. An unemployed worker who is looking for a job abroad.

3 Doc. 1. Fill in the gaps with one of the following elements. Write down the sentences on your paper.

Potential employers – The blogger’s parents and friends – Bloggers themselves – Other travellers

a. ……..…… can find out what the blogger is doing or has been doing.

b. ……..…… can document their trip.

c. ……..…… can see if the gapper has used their year productively.

d. ……..…… can get ideas or advice for their own trip.

4 Doc. 1. Choose the right answer.

Document 1 is: a. a press article. b. an advert. c. a film review.

5 Doc. 2. Copy the sentence onto your paper and fill in the blanks.

The narrator is … (nationality). He travelled to … (country). He stayed there for … (duration).

6 Doc. 2. Choose the best answer. The narrator writes about events:

a. in the future.

b. a few decades ago.

c. a century ago.

d. in the 19th century.

7 Doc. 2. Choose the best answer. The narrator goes abroad:

a. to have time off on his own.

b. for humanitarian reasons.

c. for better job opportunities.

d. to get a university degree.

8 Doc. 2. Choose the best answer. The narrator’s parents expected:

a. regular long-distance phone calls.

b. detailed news bulletins.

c. occasional postcards.

d. daily e-mails.

9 Doc. 1 et 2. Pick out words in both texts to answer the following questions.

a. How did travellers keep a record of their experience and communicate in the past? (5 elements)

b. How do travellers keep a record of their experience and communicate today? (5 elements)

10 Doc. 1 et 2. The following statements are true for only document 1, only document 2 or both documents. Justify for each document by quoting the text.

a. Not giving parents real-time information may be a good thing.

b. Modern devices have made communication simpler.

c. Travellers’ parents get real-time information about their children.

d. Travellers and their parents can get in touch quickly but only if it is urgent.

Voir le corrigé

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