Centres étrangers
Tle L
Pélerinages sur des lieux mythiques (compréhension de l'écrit)
Lieux et formes du pouvoir
Mythes et héros
.icon_annales.png Questions sur « Juliet » et sur un article de « The Guardian » à propos de la découverte de lieux liés à un personnage ou à un courant musical.

Sujet 2Pélerinages sur des lieux mythiques1 h 30

Centres étrangers, juin 2014, Séries L, ES, S


Lieux et formes du pouvoir ● Mythes et héros

Compréhension de l’écrit

10 pts

Doc. 1A Tucker Crowe Pilgrimage


Doc. 2A New Map of England’s Rock and Pop Heritage


1 Doc. 1. Read the whole text and fill in the following table.

Who are the main characters?


How are they related?

Where are they from?

In what country does the action take place ?

2 Doc. 1. What are they doing in this country?

3 Doc. 1. Concentrate on the first paragraph and follow the characters’ itinerary.

For each city, say:

– what or who they wanted to see;

– what or who they actually saw.

You may find it easier to present your findings in a table like this one:






Places or people they wanted to see

What or who they actually saw

4 Doc. 1. a. Use your findings in the table to say why Duncan wanted to visit these places or people.

b. Use your findings in the table to say whether his expectations were satisfied. Explain why.

5 Doc. 1. Concentrate on the second paragraph and describe Annie’s feeling about this trip.

Seuls les candidats de la série L LVA traiteront la question 6.

6 Doc. 1. Concentrate on the second paragraph and say how the author conveys Annie’s feelings toward Duncan.

7 Doc. 2. What new type of documentation has the national tourism agency VisitBritain produced for tourists?

8 Doc. 2. What types of places are tourists invited to visit in this documentation?

You may find it easier to present your findings in a table like this one:

Types of places of interest

Examples (at least one for each category)




9 Doc. 2. There was criticism over the inclusion of certain types of places in the documentation.

a. Name one of these types of places.

b. What argument is used to defend the inclusion of controversial places in the documentation?

10 Doc. 2. What motivates these new tourists? Justify your answer with a quotation from the text.

Seuls les candidats des séries S, ES et L LVO traiteront les questions 11 et 12.

11 Doc. 2. Lines 1-2: “For decades the done thing has been to bury Britain’s rock heritage rather than praise it.”

Explain in what way the situation has changed.

12 Doc. 1 et 2. Compare the two kinds of music-related tourism which are evoked in the text (60 words).

Seuls les candidats de la série L LVA traiteront les questions 13, 14 et 15.

13 Doc. 2. Explain why “an official endorsement of pop music [was] unthinkable just a few decades ago” (l. 35-36).

14 Doc. 2. “Some of the more offbeat inclusions on the list have prompted raised eyebrows among rock pundits” (l. 28-30). Explain briefly what inspired these reservations.

15 Doc. 1 et 2. “[...] If you start going to places where an Adam and the Ants video was filmed, that’s just kitsch” (document 2, l. 33-34).

Say to what extent this quotation is echoed in document 1 (80 words).

Voir le corrigé

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