Tle ST2S
L'importance de l'apparence dans une société de consommation (compréhension de l'écrit)
Lieux et formes du pouvoir
.icon_annales.png Questions sur un article paru dans « The Guardian » et sur « Buyology » de M. Lindsrom qui traitent de la société de consommation et de la dopamine.

Sujet 11L’importance de l’apparence dans une société de consommation1 h

Inde, avril 2014, Séries technologiques


Lieux et formes du pouvoir

Compréhension de l’écrit

10 pts

Doc. 1Pupils under pressure to buy brands


Doc. 2Shopping addiction? It all takes place in your brain


1 Doc. 1. Choose the right answer. What sort of pupils are ridiculed?

a. Intellectuals

b. Fashion victims

c. Pupils who don’t have the money to buy brands

2 Doc. 1. Choose the right answer. Who identified this phenomenon as a problem?

a. Teachers

b. A group of pupils

c. Natasha Gilbert

3 Doc. 1. True or false? Justify your answers by quoting from the text.

a. Schools can protect all pupils from marketing.

b. Most schoolchildren want to be like everybody else.

4 Doc. 1. a. According to the journalist, what factors incite pupils to buy certain products? Give two different elements.

b. What are the consequences for the pupils who don’t conform?

5 Doc. 2. Choose the right answer. Dopamine:

a. makes us want to buy more.

b. makes us want to buy less.

c. makes us depressed.

6 Doc. 2. True or false? Justify your answers by quoting from the text.

a. It takes shoppers a long time to make up their minds.

b. Shoppers soon regret their purchasing decisions.

c. Some shoppers can’t help buying.

d. Buying has become a hobby for many people.

e. The pleasure derived from buying is long-lasting.

f. Buying cause a conflict between our heart and our head.

7 Doc. 2. Who or what do the following words refer to?

a. Line 2: its

b. Line 8: you

c. Line 15: it

d. Line 18: we

8 Doc. 1 et 2. What subject do the two texts have in common? Choose the right answer.

a. Victimisation

b. Drug addiction

c. Factors influencing purchases

d. Clothes

9 Doc. 1 et 2. Which sentence best describes the differences between the two texts?

a. One is about social influences, the other is about biological factors.

b. One is about school, the other is about drug addiction.

c. One is about the role of teachers, the other is about shopping therapy.

Voir le corrigé

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