Amérique du Nord
Tle L
Les réseaux sociaux (compréhension de l'écrit)
Espaces et échanges
L'idée de progrès
.icon_annales.png Questions sur un article de T. Lewin sur « » et sur « Freedom » de J. Franzen à propos des réseaux sociaux et des nouvelles technologies.

Sujet 17Les réseaux sociaux

1 h 30 ● L

1 h ● ES-S

Amérique du Nord, juin 2013, Séries L, ES, S


Espaces et échanges ● L’idée de progrès

Compréhension de l’écrit

10 pts

Doc. 1Teenagers, Internet socializing not a bad thing


Doc. 2Generation gap


1 Doc. 1. line 1: “Good news for worried parents”. What is the good news about? Explain briefly.

2 Doc. 1. Explain in your own words how the journalist came to that conclusion.

3 Doc. 1. lines 1-10: What are the benefits of using social networks? Justify your answer by giving at least three quotes.

4 Doc. 1. from line 19 to the end: What is generally the parents’ first opinion about social networks? Give two elements.

5 Doc. 1. Explain in your own words what “full-time intimate community” means (line 34).

6 Doc. 2.

a. What are the names of the characters talking in this passage?

b. What do we learn about their ages?

7 Doc. 2.

a. Why does one of the characters insist so much on their age difference?

b. Pick out at least three quotations from the text showing the difference between them.

8 Doc. 2. Explain in your own words why the difference between an e-mail and a text message is so important for one of the characters.

9 Doc. 1 et 2. Analyse the “generation gap” regarding new media (use of social networks, cell phones, etc). Illustrate with quotations from both documents (50 words).

Les questions 10, 11 et 12 ne seront traitées que par les candidats de la série L.

10 Doc. 2. Comment on the use of italics. What do they reveal about the character’s state of mind (30 words)?

11 Doc. 2. Which character wins the argument (50 words)?

12 Doc. 1 et 2. lines 13-14, doc. 1: “new media are inextricably woven into young people’s lives”. Explain in your own words what the journalist means and show how it can apply to document 2 (40 words).

Voir le corrigé

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