Sujet 13Quitter le nid familial pour ses études1 h
Inde, avril 2013, Séries technologiques
Lieux et formes du pouvoir
Compréhension de l’écrit
10 ptsDoc. 1Cold domineering parents
Doc. 2Empty-nest syndrome
Choose the correct answer.
1 Doc. 1. This scene takes place in…
a. Korea.
b. the United States of America.
c. the United Kingdom.
2 Doc. 1. The two main characters…
a. always agree.
b. generally agree.
c. generally disagree.
3 Doc. 1. The main subject of the text is…
a. piano lessons.
b. choosing a university.
c. martial arts.
Concentrate on the first part of the doc. 1, from line 1 to line 10.
4 Doc. 1. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Justify your choice by quoting from the text. Give the line numbers.
a. Ken always had a piano at home.
b. Ken enjoyed being a Scout.
c. Ken was good at martial arts.
5 Doc. 1. Pick out three different examples showing that the son must obey his father’s decisions. Write them down. Give the line numbers.
Concentrate on the second part of the doc. 1, from line 11 to the end.
6 Doc. 1. The following statements are true. Quote from the text to prove it. Give the line numbers.
a. One day, Ken stopped accepting his father’s decisions.
b. The father worried about other people’s opinions.
c. Ken really appreciated his life at university.
d. His mother was also very strict.
7 Doc. 1. Quote a complete sentence showing which family member is particularly important to Ken. Give the line number.
Choose the correct answer.
8 Doc. 2. The article expresses the point of view of…
a. parents.
b. children.
c. university teachers.
9 Doc. 2. Marie-Claire is…
a. a journalist.
b. Judy Hobson’s daughter.
c. the person who cleans the house.
10 Doc. 2. “Empty-nest syndrome” concerns…
a. parents who want their children to be tidy.
b. parents who suffer from their children’s departure.
c. children who would like to live with their parents.
11 Doc. 2. The following statements are true. Justify by quoting from the text.
a. The journalist’s house has been messy for a long time.
b. Parents have to accompany their children in making their decisions.
Choose the correct answer.
12 Doc. 1 et 2. What theme do document 1 and document 2 have in common?
a. Punishing your children.
b. Travelling in the U.S.A.
c. Teenagers leaving home to study.
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