Sujet 4Le défi de choisir en couple un lieu de vie commun1 h
France métropolitaine, juin 2015, Séries technologiques
L’idée de progrès ● Espaces et échanges
Expression écrite
10 ptsDoc. 1Why I hate living in the countryside
Doc. 2Starting from Scratch on an Isolated Island.
Gary and Irene are on an isolated island in Alaska where a cabin is being built.
Tous les candidats traiteront le sujet 1 OU le sujet 2 (150 mots minimum).
1 You are going to spend the summer with two of your best friends. You have to decide where you are going to stay. Choose one of the following possibilities and try and convince your friends. Write the conversation.
a. An apartment | b. A castle in Scotland | c. A recreational vehicle on american roads |
d. A treehouse in New Forest, | e. A beach house on Barbados, | f. A ranch in Montana, USA |
2 Which three objects would you like to have with you on a desert island? Explain your choice.
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