Tle L
L'art comme moyen d'expression (compréhension de l'écrit)
L'idée de progrès
Lieux et formes du pouvoir
.icon_annales.png Questions sur « The Disenchanted Widow » de C. McKenna et sur « Invisible » de P. Auster à propos du choix d'une carrière artistique.

Sujet 3L’art comme moyen d’expression1 h 30

Inde, avril 2014, Séries L, ES, S


L’idée de progrès ● Lieux et formes du pouvoir

Compréhension de l’écrit

10 pts

Doc. 1An irresistible artistic calling


Doc. 2Writer’s block


1 Doc. 1. What do you learn about:

a. the main character (name, age, occupation)?

b. that character’s family and background?

2 Doc. 1. Explain in about 30 words the role of the following places in the main character’s life:

the Crowing Cock pub – Tailorstown – Belfast – the Ulster Museum

3 Doc. 1. From line 1 to line 16.

a. “This is not me” (l. 6). Explain the main character’s dreams and ambitions and compare them to his mother’s expectations (20 to 30 words).

b. “But he’d won the day nonetheless” (l. 13). Explain in your own words what steps he took to realize his ambition.

4 Doc. 1. From line 17 to the end.

a. What does the main character’s job consists in precisely? Explain in your own words and justify by quoting one element from the text.

b. Use two elements from the text to show that he has mixed feelings about this job (30 to 40 words).

5 Doc. 2. a. Identify the two main characters and say how they know each other.

b. When did they last meet?

c. What do they have in common?

6 Doc. 2. Who has written the letter? What for?

7 Doc. 2. Which adjectives best describe the state of mind of the author of the letter?

cynical – doubtful – scared – scornful – self-confident

Justify in your own words.

8 Doc. 2. a. Explain in your own words what the narrator had imagined about his friend’s career before receiving the letter.

b. What does that reveal about his own career?

9 Doc. 1 et 2. Focus on the main character in document 1. With which of the two main characters in document 2 would you rather identify him? To what extent? (30 to 40 words)

10 Doc. 1 et 2. Now focus on the narrator in document 2. In what respects is he different from the other male characters in documents 1 and 2?

Seuls les candidats de la série L LVA traiteront la question suivante.

11 Doc. 1 et 2. Read the two documents again. Show how, in both documents, painting and writing are viewed as art forms that provide a means of self-expression. Find two examples in each text.

Voir le corrigé

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