France métropolitaine
Tle L
La réussite professionnelle (compréhension de l'écrit)
Lieux et formes du pouvoir
Mythes et héros
.icon_annales.png Questions sur « First Among Equals » de J. Archer et « Tuesdays with Morrie » de M. Albom qui traitent des études et de l'orientation professionnelle.

Sujet 4La réussite professionnelle1 h 30

France métropolitaine, juin 2013, Séries L, ES, S


Mythes et héros ● Lieux et formes du pouvoir

Compréhension de l’écrit

10 pts

Doc. 1The straight road to success


Doc. 2Trading dreams for money


1 Doc. 1. lines 1-19: Which statement best corresponds to the situation here?

a. Simon has just finished high school. His dream is to go either to Cambridge University or to Oxford University.

b. Simon is a university student at Oxford. He has rejected an offer from Durham University as his only dream was to go to Oxford.

c. Simon is at high school. He is determined to go to Oxford University and so he rejects offers from all other universities.

2 Doc. 1. lines 1-19: Explain what determines his choice of university. Justify with a quote.

3 Doc. 1. line 20 to the end: Copy out the text and fill in the blanks (one blank = one word).

Simon is in ............... (name of the city). He intends to visit all the ............... to see if they have a ............... for him. He intends to visit six every day until he is ............... .

4 Doc. 1. line 20 to the end: Which adjective best describes Simon as he goes about his visits? Give two quotations to justify your choice.

hesitant / determined / confused / impatient

5 Doc. 1. line 20 to the end: Does he succeed in getting a place at university? Justify with an element from the text.

6 Doc. 2. Who are the characters present in the extract and how do they know each other?

7 Doc. 2. The passage refers to two periods in the narrator’s life. Which ones?

8 Doc. 2. Are the following statements right or wrong? Quote from the text to justify.

a. The narrator earns a lot of money.

b. The two characters haven’t seen each other for quite a long time.

c. As a student the narrator had a lot of ideals.

d. The visit makes him realize he is content with his current life.

9 Doc. 2.What happened to me?” (l. 1, 12 and 23). What did happen to him? Explain in a few sentences what he has just realized.

10 Doc. 2. What do we realize about the narrator’s state of mind when meeting his friend?

11 Doc. 1 et 2. In your opinion what is the common theme to both documents?

a. Absence of ambition

b. Failure

c. Success in life

d. Pride

12 Doc. 1 et 2. Explain your choice of answer for question 11 in a few sentences.

Voir le corrigé

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