France métropolitaine
Tle ST2S
L'audiovisuel, déclencheur de vocations scientifiques (compréhension de l'écrit)
L'idée de progrès
Lieux et formes du pouvoir
.icon_annales.png Questions sur un article à propos du film « Thor » et sur un article de D. Boffay dans « The Observer » traitant tous deux des carrières scientifiques.

Sujet 10L’audiovisuel, déclencheur de vocations scientifiques1 h

France métropolitaine, juin 2014, Séries technologiques


L’idée de progrès ● Lieux et formes du pouvoir

Compréhension de l’écrit

10 pts

Doc. 1Thor actress teams with Marvel on new contest to connect girls with the most successful women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics


Doc. 2Brian Cox says TV shows inspire a new generation of children to study science


1 Doc. 1 et 2. Choose the right answer. Both documents are about:

a. girls choosing scientific studies.

b. famous people promoting science.

c. criticising the entertainment industry.

2 Doc. 1. Match each element with the corresponding definition from the following list. Some definitions will not be used.

a scientist in a film – a media corporation – a competition – a film – a science laboratory – an actress – a film director

a. Thor: ………………

b. Ultimate Mentor Adventure: ………

c. Natalie Portman: …………

d. Jane Foster: …………………………

3 Doc. 1. Who are the people who enter the competition? Pick out the three necessary conditions to enter the competition.

4 Doc. 1. What do the people who enter the competition have to do? Complete the following summary with words from document 1 (one blank = one word).

To participate, the applicants must:

a. fill in and send a ……… on-line.

b. make a ……… which should contain information about the ……… they did with a famous ……… who works in the domain of ……… .

5 Doc. 1. What is the prize of the competition? (2 elements)

6 Doc. 2. Copy the following table onto your paper and complete it.


Brian Cox                                    


Place of study

Jobs in three different domains

7 Doc. 2. Match and write out the appropriate dates with the sentences in the list below.


8 Doc. 2. Pick out one sentence in the text for EACH statement showing that:

a. according to Brian Cox, TV has an obligation to help people to learn.

b. Brian Cox thinks there will be more science on TV in the future.

9 Doc. 2. Complete the sentence by using one of the following adjectives.

complicated – useful – unprofitable – elitist

As a conclusion, we can say that science programmes are ……. .

10 Doc. 1 et 2. The following sentences are right. Justify by quoting the text.

a. Natalie Portman thinks her action can transform girls’destinies. (Document 1)

b. Brian Cox thinks the media can transform the way people think and react. (Document 2)

Voir le corrigé

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